
jeal·ous | \ˈje-ləs  \
Hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage: ENVIOUS
His success made his old friends jealous.
They were jealous of his success.

Jealousy is a curious thing.  To want what someone else has, or to feel entitled to have what someone else has or is.  I've experienced this to be sure.  I'm sure all of us have experienced this.  But to be jealous to the point of anger against that person we are jealous of, that seems a bit strange, immature, and wrong, don't you think?

I can think back to a time, years ago when I was younger and less mature for sure, when I was still trying to be successful, to climb that ladder, and to make a name for myself. I would become jealous of someone to the point of feeling spiteful towards them.  But for some reason, one day, I decided that rather than be jealous of that person I should be happy for them, for their success, and for their things that I thought I should have.

Now, I'm not naive and if I'm honest I will admit that I still have fleeting jealous thoughts occasionally, but they are quickly replaced with contentment in my own situation or happiness for that person of which I may have been jealous.  And sometimes, that fleeting feeling of jealousy makes me aspire to learn more or improve myself in some way so that I can attain that thing, want or dream for myself...fuels some sense of ambition.

All of this deep thinking has risen out of a recent encounter I had with someone close to me. We were working on a personal weekend project together.  During our work I was playing around, teasing them and singing a silly tune.  I was poking fun at this persons work.  I honestly wasn't serious and thought it was so ridiculous that it was just fun.  But oh how I was wrong.  This person got extremely upset.  They lost their cool and became very angry at me to the point of yelling hateful, belittling, hurtful words at me.  The only thing I can think of that caused this blowup is jealousy.  I say this based off what was spewed at me, it must be jealousy.    And I had no idea this person felt this way. I guess the one good to come from this is I at least know where I stand with this person.

My next post will talk about anger...specifically mine towards this person now.  Sigh.  Always something.  But again, perhaps an opportunity for me to improve, Lord knows I have room.




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