Smartphones are an amazing tool. Never have we had so much information about anything and anyone in the palm of our hand as we do now. They truly are amazing. However I, like many others, have found that I rely on my iPhone 24x7. It's my phone, my text, my social media, my camera, my alarm clock, my workout reminder, my workout tracker, my internet, my Bible, my picture album, my music, my email, my shopping, my everything. I'm on it all of the time and while I don't have "feelings" for my phone, I carry it everywhere...I am literally never without it and am lost if I don't have it on me at all times. So maybe I do "love" my iPhone? Weird. I've noticed for some time now that my wife also loves her iPhone. I find that we often will sit together and look at our phones, in silence. This is madness; so we have agreed to go on a phone fast beginning October 1 for 30 days. We will limit our phone usage to three, 30-minute intervals, at morn