Why am I blogging?

Why am I blogging?  What's my purpose or goal of sharing these thoughts and ramblings of mine?

I enjoy it.  I'm not sure why, but as long as there have been social media, I've been on it and I've enjoyed sharing my life, my experiences, my food, etc.  I enjoy life, I have fun, I love my family and I love to eat, and for some weird reason, I feel compelled to share that excitement with the world as though someone really cares about what I had for dinner.

I believe I have something to offer.  I have been in the workforce, post-university, for over 25 years and married for nearly as long.  Along the way, I've learned a few things--mostly the hard way.  I've had successes and failures.  I've been laid off and I've been promoted.  I've been so poor that we couldn't afford to buy groceries, and so well off that, we've been able to help others.  I have an amazing wife who truly makes me better than I am.  We've raised two beautiful, responsible young ladies.  And our marriage has been filled with tears, laughs, heartaches, smiles, hardships, joy, and disappointments but always with faith and love.

My wife and I also share the Christian faith, which has taught me to love others.  To have humility and prioritize the truly important things in life above wealth, fame, possessions or self.

Additionally, perseverance and a high work ethic were instilled in me at an early age.  My parents worked outside the home but also at took care of things inside the home so that my family always had a meal, heat, etc.  They never let me quit anything; I never knew quitting was an option, I was allowed only to finish.  And my Dad always made me work and encourages me to get a real job even today.

My high school football coach was a real type A personality and got every ounce and more out of us skinny country boys.  He tore us down and then built us back up again.  The many lessons he taught me on that field I still carry with me to this day.

I want to give back.  The above experiences, wisdom, failures, and victories are invaluable and have been cultivated over many years.  I enjoy mentoring college students, soon to be or newly wedded couples, and those wanting to grow their careers. Adding value and enriching someone else's life or well-being feels good.  And if we value others, pouring into them is the right thing to do.


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