Reject Passivity
The first pillar to success, Reject Passivity.
Merriam Webster defines "passive" as lacking in energy or will, lethargic, tending not to take an active part, exhibiting no gain or control, receiving or enduring without resistance, submissive.
Using this definition as our starting position, we can assume that to reject passivity would be to exhibit energy or will, not to be lethargic. We would take an active part, take control, resist, and never submit. I contend this is what we must do in life if we want to be successful.
To reject passivity is to be intentional. For years I've told my daughters "Life is full of choices, but every choice has a consequence". To be successful each day you must be intentional with your choices. You must make a choice to take that small step forward, do that one simple thing that will move you towards your goal and then do the next one and the next one and the next one. This becomes habitual over time and a way of thinking. Some might call it discipline, I call it rejecting passivity.
So what does the above look like? It may mean getting out of bed earlier to do that workout, or read, or have some quiet time, or prioritize your day before it even begins. It may mean eating healthier. It may mean spending less time on social media and more time with actual people. It may mean doing research to educate yourself. It may mean asking for help. It may mean doing the extra or doing that one thing no one else wants to do or thinks of doing. It may mean restraining yourself from doing something. It definitely means setting goals for yourself and then taking an active part in what you do and how you feel about each day. You can only control you and your actions. Contentment is a choice and requires action on your part alone.
Don't let life happen to you; choose every day what you will make happen. Remember, life is a series of mundane, simple, everyday steps that lead to the mountain top or off of a cliff.
Tomorrow, I'll share the next pillar, Accept Responsibility.
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