
Showing posts from November, 2018

It's ok to fail

It seems a rare thing to have a corporate culture where it's ok to fail.  Cultures governed by fear appear to be the norm.  It's cultures like this that breed stagnation as employees are afraid to take a risk or step out and do the right thing for fear of failure and ultimately rejection and/or demotion.  Instead, employees do the safe thing, they seek permission for everything and stop thinking for themselves.  This kills productivity and ultimately reduces customer service and satisfaction...and profits. Cultures that are governed by encouragement, ingenuity and a passion for taking care of the customer above all else thrive.  But to do this, corporate leadership must be intentional about the culture they are creating...and modeling.  It should be OK to fail.  Employees should never  get in trouble if they make a mistake because they were trying to do something for a client — leaders should want people to make decisions, not just be paralyzed. And likewise, in our per


I remember being in high school, especially when I was a senior, and the last month or so of school was coming up before graduation, I lost motivation for my studies. In fact, MANY of us lost our motivation.  People referred to it as "senior-itis".  Webster defines "senior-itis" as a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. Now I'm an adult and in the final days of my time here at DST and I've found that "senior-itis" is still a real thing.  Coming in on time, staying focused and being productive even when there is little to do is proving more and more difficult every day. So here's to a new chapter once this one closes that will give me renewed purpose, drive, and passion. And until then, I'm ready for the last day to hurry up and get here! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

Feels good to be valued

For months I haven't felt valued at work, but recently I've been interviewing with several different local companies.  I must say, it feels good to be valued.  When people want to know your opinion and believe that you can assist them to be better than they are, that feels good.  To know that you have experiences, knowledge and a point of view that is of worth...that is very reaffirming. Today, I encourage all of you to interview somewhere so that you too can reaffirm your self-worth and you never know, you might end up with some bargaining chips at your current job or you might even land a new job. You are VALUABLE!